Goddess Slovena Goes Blackface and Sparks Online Outrage

Adult Performer Goddess Slavena sparked online controversy after appearing dressed as a "Black transvestite

Adult Performer Goddess Slavena sparked online controversy after appearing dressed as a "Black transvestite," which many deemed an instance of blackface. The act drew widespread criticism, primarily from American users, who accused her of racial insensitivity. In response, Slavena defended herself by referencing her Czech and Chechen heritage, asserting that the Czech Republic "NEVER enslaved anyone on this planet." She added, "Don’t be offensive to an innocent people who were slaves too." Slavena emphasized that she had no intention to offend and questioned why she should be held accountable for slavery committed by Americans: "Why should I be responsible for something they did to the race I present? ZERO of my issues."

The Czech Republic has no historical record of enslaving people, while slavery persisted in the United States for approximately 246 years, from 1619 to 1865.

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