Trans Pornstar Impregnated a Woman During a Scene

Adult Film Actress, Trans Woman Emily Narizinho Surprises Followers by Saying She Might Have Impregnated a Co-Star During an OnlyFans Scene

Adult Film Actress, Trans Woman Emily Narizinho Surprises Followers by Saying She Might Have Impregnated a Co-Star During an OnlyFans Scene

Narizinho shared a conversation with the woman, identified as Kamila, while preserving the co-star’s identity.

"Emily, I wanted to talk to you later. Since we filmed that video, it's been two months since my period didn't come, and I'm having some symptoms. I haven't had unprotected sex with anyone except you after the scene."

The Brazilian actress opened up and said she never thought about having children: "If an unexpected pregnancy is already difficult for a cis man, imagine for a trans woman."

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