Porn actress attracts attention for having two vaginas

"I've got two vaginas - I use one for porn and the other for my husband"

The porn actress Evelyn Miller has a congenital malformation called didelphic uterus, which gives her two vaginas and two uteruses. This condition, identified through magnetic resonance imaging, reveals a rare condition in women where the uteruses are duplicated as if they had split in the middle.

Although this is not a problem for the porn actress, didelphic uterus can cause pain during intercourse for women or the need for surgery to remove the septum and widen the vaginal canal. For Evelyn, this condition ended up helping her find a way to balance her marriage and work on adult content platforms.


As a mother of two children, Andrew, 20 months old, and Georgia, 8 months old, she revealed in an interview with "DailyMail" that she uses "one vagina for work and another for play [with her husband]." Without experiencing the common fertility issues associated with this condition, Evelyn shared that it took her a while to start having sexual relationships.

"I avoided sex for so long – guys didn't know what they were doing and ended up hitting the penis against my urethra. I just didn't know what was wrong with me," she confessed.

Source: Daily Mail